Personal Injury Damages
West Plains, MO Personal Injury Damages
You Have a Right to Sue for Compensation
When you have been injured or have lost a loved one in an accident caused by another person's negligence, you can file a personal injury or wrongful death claim for compensation. This is due to the fact that Missouri state law recognizes the right of an injured party to pursue monetary damages for wrongs suffered through no fault of his or her own. You should not be forced to pay the price for another person's careless, reckless or otherwise negligent actions, and you can hire a West Plains personal injury attorney to help you pursue the full amount of compensation that you are due.
Damages for Medical Expenses
The first aspect of determining the value of a personal injury claim is to ask the question of just how much the entire situation will end up costing the accident victim and his or her family. This is not limited to the costs of emergency medical treatment and hospitalization, since you can also claim compensation for the ongoing costs of rehabilitative care, physical therapy, medication, equipment and modifications to your home. Looking at the extent of medical expenses which will often be incurred by someone who has suffered a serious injury in an accident can be staggering. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that a spinal cord injury will cost between $15,000 and $30,000 per year, and may cost between $500,000 and $3 million over the course of a lifetime.
Compensation for Your Lost Income
In addition to estimating the long-term costs of providing treatment so that you can return as nearly as possible to your pre-accident condition, it is also necessary to take into account the amount of income that will be lost during and after your recovery. While you are out of work recuperating from your injuries, your family may be entirely deprived of its livelihood. Even after you have reached the maximum level of improvement possible, you may have been rendered permanently disabled, making it difficult or impossible for you to earn an income sufficient to support yourself and your family. Given the fact of lost income and enormous medical bills, it is not surprising to see that major medical events including serious injuries are commonly listed as being the number one reason why Americans file for bankruptcy.
Noneconomic Damages for West Plains, MO Injury Claims
Your personal injury claim is not limited to the direct and tangible losses you have suffered in terms of money. The amount of your claim should be calculated to include an estimate for the value of your pain, suffering, mental anguish, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement and loss of capacity to enjoy life. This last area of the claim can be difficult to put a price tag on, but our attorneys have more than 80 years of combined experience and we can help you figure out how much you should demand in noneconomic damages.
Let a West Plains Injury Attorney Maximize Your Claim
Don't take any further steps in your case before contacting us at Henry, Williams & Kinder, P.C. for a free initial consultation with a lawyer from our team. By agreeing to speak with a representative from the insurance company, you would be laying yourself open to the risk of saying things that would jeopardize your right to claim damages. If you are offered a settlement, let us review it first; insurance companies often make this type of offer, knowing that they may be able to get the accident victim to accept an amount that is far less than what the case is worth. Instead, let us guide you through the entire legal process and take proven actions to maximize the value of your claim!
We do not charge fees unless we obtain financial compensation for you! Call our firm today at (800) 526-1949 to get started.
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All Consultations Are Free & ConfidentialWith 80+ years of experience, our dedicated legal team has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients.